How To Actually Take Care Of Yourself During The School Day

Self care is a word that has been thrown around a lot recently. As a society, I think that we are beginning to understand the importance of self care to our own mental health. The irony is that many counselors feel like they are drowning in other people’s needs and see self care as a dream rather than a reality. With increasing pressure and responsibilities in the counseling profession, and a desire to give our students our very best work, self care gets pushed to the back burner (or off the stove completely if we’re honest). Today, I want to share with you a few self care tips you can use during the school day.  These small but mighty tips are crucial to making sure that we are taking care of ourselves.

Self Care Tips For During The School Day

Self Care Tip #1 - Go To The Bathroom

  • During a busy day, it can seem like the world will stop turning if you take 30 seconds to go empty your bladder. Sometimes self care is reminding yourself that life will go on, even if you take a small break. Also, holding your pee too long can lead to health risks. So, take this as your permission to use the bathroom when you need to!

Self Care Tip #2 - Practice Deep Breathing

  • As counselors, we know that deep breathing is a powerful way to cope with stress and other difficult emotions. When you find yourself running ragged between crises and paperwork, don’t forget to stop and take a few deep breaths. My favorite breathing strategy is 4-7-8 breathing. To do this, inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, and exhale for 8 seconds. It’s a quick and easy way to refocus yourself.

Self Care Tips For During The School Day 4-7-8 Breathing

Self Care Tip #3 - Listen To Music 

  • Listening to music is another easy self care strategy, and with technology today it can be easy to find music that you love. One of my favorite types of music to listen to when I work is old Jazz music like Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. It’s so fun and brings me joy even on the most difficult days!

Self Care Tip #4 - Stretch

  • Physical exercise is a great way to help our bodies feel calm and refreshed. I know that school counseling isn’t exactly a sedentary job (ha!), but it still can be a great idea to take a minute or two to stretch and relax.

Self Care Tip #5 - Use Your Favorite Pen

  • I love school supplies. They make me so happy. What makes me even happier is my favorite school supplies - like my hot pink Flair pen. It’s amazing how much better I can feel just by using my favorite pen. It really is the little things!

Self Care Tip #6 - Enjoy A Special Snack

  • Just like my pink Flair pen, a Diet Coke and a piece of chocolate also have magical powers to get me out of a funk. Keeping a special snack on hand is a great way to bring joy to an otherwise mundane day. The type of snack is up to you - some people prefer a healthy snack, while others may enjoy a sweet treat. Whichever camp you land in, sometimes this can be a great way to get re-energized!

Self Care Tip #7 - Establish Mantras Or Positive Self Talk Statements

  • This is another coping skill we frequently teach to kids, but it’s important that we remember to practice it too. Some of my favorite mantras to repeat to myself are: “Just because it needs to be done, doesn’t mean I have to be the one to do it,” and “I made the best decision I could have with the information that I had.” These two quotes are great reminders to be patient and kind with myself.

Self Care Tips For During The School Day - Use Positive Self Talk

Self Care Tip #8 - Have A Conversation With Someone You Enjoy

  • Part of self care includes connecting with other people whose company you enjoy.  With all the chaos of the school day, we can be left feeling drained and emotionally exhausted. Taking the time for a short conversation with a colleague that you get along with, or even making a phone call to a family member is a great way to fill yourself back up.

Self Care Tip #9 - Make A Plan

  • You’re swamped. You have three small groups today, two classroom lessons, an IEP meeting, etc. You feel completely overwhelmed and don’t even know where to start. Instead of floundering through the day, your self care strategy in this situation can be to sit down, take a few minutes, and plan out exactly what you need to do. I know this can seem counterintuitive because you can’t possibly fathom taking a short break, even to plan, but doing this will help you to feel much more calm and prepared.

Self Care Tip #10- Close The Door

  • Setting boundaries is self care. Even though you are hopefully well respected and trusted at your school to help students (and even staff members) with various challenges, it is imperative that they respect your needs as well. Sometimes you may have something to document, have a CPS call to make, or just want to enjoy your snack from tip #6 and you want to do it in peace. That is okay. Closing the door and taking a minute (or 5) to yourself is completely okay. Don’t forget that.

Being a counselor is hard. It can be overwhelming, draining, and challenging in ways that grad school never prepared you for. To best serve the students at your school, it is SO important that you are taking care of yourself. My challenge to you is to use at least one of these tips EVERY DAY. I’d love to hear which one is your favorite - you can let me know in the comments below. 

Self Care Tips For During The School Day 4-7-8 Breathing



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