3 Topics To Teach About In Your February Counseling & SEL Lessons
Educators have a lot going on. It’s easy to feel stressed out by all of the responsibilities, duties, and expectations that surround us. There’s of course the physical actions that we have to complete, but there is also the mental load - all of the things that we have to plan for, and keep track of, in our heads.
My hope is that these 3 February lesson ideas will give you one less thing to worry about and that it will make your lesson planning easier. Why reinvent the wheel when you don’t have to? Use these activities below to help your students learn about kindness, diversity & inclusion, and self-love this month!
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February Lesson Idea #1: Kindness
February is the perfect time to focus on kindness, for a few different reasons. Each year, the Random Acts Of Kindness Foundation promotes a National Random Acts of Kindness Day. This year, it’s on Friday, February 17th. Plus, Valentine’s Day is on February 14th, which is great for teaching about showing love and kindness to others. Take time this month to help your students better understand the impact of being kind, and how they can show kindness in small and big ways.
Activity Idea: See how many acts of kindness your students can do! Each time a student shows kindness to someone else, have them write or draw about it on a strip of paper. Then, form the strips into circles and connect them to make a paper chain. Then, hang the chain up in your office or classroom. Better yet, make it a school-wide initiative and then display the chain in the lobby, hallway, or other common space where it can be an encouragement to all who see it!
Kids Books About Kindness:
One Drop Of Kindness by Jeff Kubiak
The Power Of One by Trudy Ludwig
Kindness Grows by Britta Teckentrup
February Lesson Idea #2: Diversity And Inclusion
Use these pre-made activities that go with the book All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold.
Diversity & Inclusion: February is Black History Month. Take this time to study the achievements of African Americans and Civil Rights leaders. Then, talk about how your students can work toward a culture of inclusion in their school and community.
Activity Idea: Read the book All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold. In this book, young students will get to take a look at a school where everyone is welcome. No matter what they wear, where they come from, or what they eat, all are welcome. This is a great way to show students what the beauty of diversity and inclusion could look like in their school. Here are some follow up questions you can use:
What can you do to help others feel welcomed and included?
Why is it important to include others?
What would it be like if everyone at our school was welcoming? What would it be like if no one at our school was welcoming?
Tie this in with Black History Month by helping your students learn about some of the African Americans who bravely fought for integration in schools. You can watch this video about Ruby Bridges, or this one about the Little Rock Nine.
February Lesson Idea #3: Self-Love
Valentine's Day is February 14th. For many people, this holiday is about celebrating romantic love. Instead, use this time to help students learn to love themselves. A great place to start is by teaching about positive self-talk and affirmations that kids can use. Positive affirmations can serve as reminders of what is good about ourselves.
Activity Idea: Help your students develop positive affirmations that they can use to remind themselves of what is true! This month, have students cut hearts out of construction paper, and then write or draw one positive affirmation on each heart. Glue the hearts to a separate piece of paper and tell the students to hang the paper up where they will see it everyday. This could be their mirror, dresser, locker, etc.
Read More About Teaching Self-Esteem:
You have enough on your plate - no need to recreate the wheel. My hope is that these 3 ideas will help you plan your February counseling & SEL lessons so that you have one less thing to worry about! If you’re looking for more time-saving tips, make sure you sign up below for my weekly e-mails. Each Monday, you’ll get practical ideas and activities delivered directly to your inbox.