3 SEL & Counseling Topics To Teach About In March
Educators have so much on their plates. If you feel stretched thin by all of the things you’re juggling - these March SEL topic ideas are for you! You’ll find activities and resources for each topic that will help you cross “lesson planning” off your never-ending to-do list.
Keep reading for ways to support your students with the struggles they may be facing this month, as well as include some basketball fun into your lessons!
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March Lesson Idea #1: Self-Esteem
Along with warmer temperatures, the spring also tends to bring friendship struggles, academic demands, and testing pressures. Unfortunately, these experiences can lead kids to have negative thoughts of themselves and their abilities. Self-esteem lessons can be a way to remind kids to focus on their strengths and all they have to offer!
This flap book page is included in the positive self-talk activities for grades 3-5.
Activity Idea: When teaching about self-esteem, we have to teach about positive self-talk. After all, our own voices are the ones we hear the most often! When we speak kind and encouraging truths to ourselves over and over, we are more likely to remember and believe them. Help your students think about the situations they may experience that could challenge their positive beliefs about themselves. Then, for each situation, help them come up with 2-3 specific self-talk statements they could use. They can write down their statements on post-it notes or a sheet of paper and keep it where they will see it.
Pre-Made Lessons & Activities:
Positive Self-Talk Activities (For Grades K-2)
Positive Self-Talk Activities (For Grades 3-5)
The Smart Cookie: Read Aloud Activities For Self-Esteem & Identifying Strengths
March Lesson Idea #2: Sportsmanship
One of the most exciting events in March is the NCAA college basketball tournament. It comes with non-stop basketball, plenty of upsets, and a great opportunity to teach about sportsmanship.
Activity Idea: Work together with your class to come up with ideas of what good sportsmanship is. Make a list of what it looks like and sounds like, including what to do when you win and when you lose. Then, grab some of your favorite games and practice! One of my favorite games to use when working on this skill is Chutes and Ladders. It’s an easy game for non-readers, and provides plenty of opportunities to practice dealing with disappointment! While playing the game, encourage your students to practice the strategies and skills that were on your good sportsmanship list!
Sportsmanship Read Alouds:
Sally Sore Loser by Frank J. Sileo
Lucia LaCorte, Poor Sport by Christianne Jones
Jackie Wins Them All by Fabian E. Ferguson
March Lesson Idea #3: College & Career Education
With the completion of another school year around the corner, the spring is a great time to help students think about what they may want to do after high school!
Activity Idea: In March, many people are talking about the different colleges and universities that are in the NCAA basketball tournament. This is a great chance to help your students learn more about the different colleges, and begin to think about what type of school and/or program they may like. Ask students which colleges they would like to know more about and then help them learn how to find out information such as cost, location, number of students, programs, etc. Not only will this help kids learn more about the opportunities that exist, but you’ll also be teaching them how they can find this information!
Other Resources:
Your Hot Job from Time For Kids - An interactive program that helps kids learn about and explore 21st century jobs
How To Plan A Building-Wide Career Day - From Dr. Nation’s Education
My hope is that these 3 ideas will help you plan your March counseling & SEL lessons so that you have one less thing to worry about! If you’re looking for more time-saving tips, make sure you sign up below for my weekly e-mails. Each Monday, you’ll get practical ideas and activities delivered directly to your inbox.